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   2 f,n;"HINTS & TIPS"
   2 PART 6    
   2 ;"IS LOADING";
   2  1986 S.A.E.C.
   1 proff=9100
   1 p$=" Stuck in a dungeon?                       Can't get past the   monster?                                  Keep getting killed?*":
   1 p$="  BORED OF THE RINGS*":
   1 p$="  An Everyday Story Of A Seeker Of Gold*"
   1 p$="    Solution to PART 3*":
   1 p$="    By DELTA 4 Software*":
   1 p$="      This month Alex Marsh looks at                THE LORDS OF MIDNIGHT*"
   1 n,f;"Next Month"
   1 diff=32768
   1 a$="                                
   1 TEXT      
   1 LOADER    
   1 GoodInit?*
   1 Created with Ramsoft MakeTZX
   1 CODE      
   1 CHARLOC=32256
   1 CHARLOC=15360
   1 ;"which is the prize for the contest. This  is essential if you are going to kill the wicked Count Belleme, who now has Marion  imprisoned in his castle."
   1 ;"the Keep of Logrim too late to prevent thedeath of the Lord and the capture of this residence."
   1 ;"is situated west (twice) from D1. CLIMB   TREE and EXAM it to find the fourth touch-stone then go back to the stream in the   forest. North three times brings you to   the camp of the Templars (in square A1)   and what they want is the crest from the  chest (shades of 'Allo, 'Allo! Where is   the gateau from the chateau?)."
   1 ;"but if things got bad then I wanted an    escape route."
   1 ;"before the main attack. I advanced on the Citadel of Ushgarak and attacked Doom-    dark's army of eight thousand."
   1 ;"anyway, the tax collector seems to appear in square A7, but you may have to move N, S,E,W, (always returning to the cave      location) until he appears."
   1 ;"You start part 3 at the bottom of a gully.SAY HOG then GET ROPE. Go W and GET BRICK.Now head S then E, TIE ROPE and CLIMB     DOWN."
   1 ;"You need to get to the two doors, but you can't go through the Great Hall as you    will meet the Sheriff, so this time, GO   BATT, then GO LEFT and you will find      yourself in a bedroom with a chest in it."
   1 ;"There are two ways, as you will know, to  defeat the enemy. Morkin can find and     destroy the ice-crown by going to the     Tower of Doom, SEEKing and then giving thecrown to Fawkrin the Skulkrin. If Fawkrin is dead then go to Lake Mirrow and press  NIGHT. The quest is really quite simple ifyou have a map."
   1 ;"There are a few locations protruding      outside this grid on the west, north and  east sides, but we will come to them      later."
   1 ;"STOP THE TAPE":
   1 ;"SAY FOLLOW to the outlaws there and a     messenger will tell you that the Sheriff  of Nottingham is holding a contest to findthe best archer, so off you go to         Nottingham Castle."
   1 ;"Rorthron the Wise journeyed east and      recruited Lord Blood at his keep. Aided byBrith, Mitharg and Shimeril, who had been picked up by Gard, Blood moved north to   try to halt Doomdark's progress onto the  Plains of Blood."
   1 ;"PRESS A KEY"
   1 ;"PRESS A KEY  B - BACK  Q - QUIT"
   1 ;"Outside again, in the courtyard, CLIMB    STATUE and examine it, then EXAM EYES to  find some coins."
   1 ;"Now go to the lift by going S,W,W,UP,W,W, W,N,SWING ACROSS,W,W, and S to the lift."
   1 ;"No dilly-dallying now - GO WINDOW to      escape to Nottingham Forest."
   1 ;"Doomdark did not appear to be interested  in them, so they stayed there another two months."
   1 ;"Certainly the games amazing success was   due to the ""landscaping"" graphics. Each ofthe 37000 pictures are so impressive that you soon become immersed in the land of   Midnight. Typical game sessions can last  for hours."
   1 ;"1 HINTS & TIPS"
   1 ;" You discover that your name is Kaled      Flatek and that you were framed by        business associates. You aquired a time   machine which you hope will take you back to Earth."
   1 ;" TAPE 7  SIDE 2  NOVEMBER 1986"
   1 ;"       ISSUE No 7  NOVEMBER 1986  
   1 ;"           SIDE 2"
   1 ;"                                ":
   1 0np#9npq@np
   1 +diff-CH*768
   1 (CHARLOC/256
   1 ''"THE LORDS OF MIDNIGHT was a landmark in   the field of computer games, not due to   the truly excellent graphics or the       masterful plot. Nor was it due to the     multitude of features, the fiendish       opponent or the intense atmosphere createdby all of the aforementioned."
   1 ''"In order to use this solution load Part 3 and enter the commands printed here in    capital letters. Direction commands have  been shortened to their initial letters."
   1 ''" This is an excellent adventure from the Bird and the Balrog.":
   1 ''" More adventure reviews.":
   1 ''" Fear not! Help is at hand if you use our  postal helpline. Just write to us with    your problem and we will do our best to   help you."
   1 '"Try to refer to it only when you are well and truly stuck - otherwise there is no   point in playing the game."
   1 '"This solution makes no attempt to visit   each and every location nor does it       capture the famous humour of DELTA 4."
   1 '"The first thing to do is to get out of thedungeon at the beginning of the game - to do this CLIMB SHOULDER of one of your     fellow prisoners. A good thing in this    game, by the way, is the acceptance of thefirst four letters of commands and objectswhich saves a lot of typing time."
   1 '"Each month we will be publishing a map of an adventure. All you have to do if you   want one is write and tell us! It will be sent to you completely free of charge." 
   1 '"2 ALEX MARSH"
   1 '" While passing through a meteor storm the  ships circuits were damaged resulting in  your premature re-animation and you awoke to find that the events leading up to     your arrest had been wiped from your      memory."
   1 '" We normally deal with problems (fairly    easy ones!) within a few days."
   1 '" To load Space Odyssey clear your computer and enter LOAD""""."
   1 '" The Bird and the Balrog":
   1 '" Space Odyssey was written with the aid of The Quill Writing System."
   1 '" Set in the 21st Century you play the part of prisoner ZX81. You were wrongly        convicted of murder and sentenced to      indefinite suspended animation aboard the penal ship Andromeda."
   1 '" More hints, tips, maps etc.":
   1 '" It costs only `1.99.":
   1 '" If you have a real humdinger of a problem please be prepared to wait a little       longer. Hurry now, we're waiting to hear  from you."
   1 '" Find out next month.":
   1 '" Enter commands in the Verb/Noun format.   Direction commands may be shortened to    one letter e.g. North - N, Up - U."
   1 '" Buy it now from:-":
   1 '" A special Christmas adventure"
   1 '"     On offer this month is:-"
   1 '"     BORED OF THE RINGS"
   1 '"               END OF PROGRAM"
   1 " queue. Can you help him?":
   1 " in which Santa faces the dole"
   1 " ROCHDALE":
   1 " OL12 7NX":
   1 " Cutgate":
   1 " 26 Spotland Tops":
   1 "  You arrive in Nottingham Forest in      square H5, that is, on the southern edge  of the map."
   1 "  When he does appear, STOP GREG (that's  his name!) then EXAM CART and EXAM GRAIN. GET COINS, which means that you now have  two lots of money."
   1 "  When I judged that it was safe to move, Luxor, Xajorkith, Kumar, and Thrimrath,   accompanied by almost nine thousand men,  moved north along the Plains of Corelay   and towards Ushgarak."
   1 "  Well, you do in a way, but not in the   usual fashion - the sixth one isn't       hidden. It will be provided by Herne the  Hunter if you drop the five touchstones   and the silver arrow inside the stone     circle which is located west of A7. And   that's it folks!"
   1 "  WAIT until you hear footsteps, then GRABANKLE and STRANGLE GUARD. After that,     examine him and get his sword. With this  you can UNDO BOLT, and you are almost     free."
   1 "  Victory! After three nights fighting I  did what I had not thought possible,      capturing Ushgarak without first seizing  the ice-crown. All my commanders lived to tell the tale as well..."
   1 "  To negotiate the maze go N,N,SE,SE,N,N, E,E,S,E,E,S,E,E,N,W,N,E,E, to the black   gate. GET SUNGLASSES, WEAR SUNGLASSES. Donot go E from this point. Retrace your    steps until you meet the basilisk then    return to the black gate."
   1 "  This was a bad move. Even though my men managed to slaughter about two thousand ofthe enemy, after two nights of fighting   all that remained of my four thousand was Corleth the Fey, who had fled into the    mountains. There he hid, waiting for the  rest of my troops."
   1 "  This move turned out to be a mistake, asafter five days, Blood, a very valuable   commander, was killed, and Brith and     Shimeril were left without armies."
   1 "  This is as far as you will get without  the silver arrow, so make sure you have   it, then you can go south to a dungeon,   where you can KILL BELLEME and FREE       MARION."
   1 "  This is a large forest and if you go    east to startwith, it seems bigger than itreally is, because you can go east        forever! In other places you can go south,west or north forever because the         programmer has contrived what I call a    loop - you may think you are moving, but  if you drop something, you will find that you haven't moved at all!"
   1 "  The tax collector travels through the   forest, so let's take his money away from him! There are no set rules for this part of the game - it may be random, or it may be based on the number of turns taken -"
   1 "  The next part of the game involves      making use of a thief, so it is essential not to have any money on you. A good placeto leave it is outside the Abbey, so move to A5 then north to Kirkleas Abbey."
   1 "  The journey is quite quick - locate     yourself in H4, where you can see         Nottingham in the distance, and GO        NOTTINGHAM. Just like that!"
   1 "  The hints in this months article won't  really make sense if you haven't got the  game, so before continuing, run out and   buy it. Back? Good."
   1 "  The first thing you need to play the    game is a detailed map. You can draw this yourself, but I use the excellent one     which was printed in December 1984's      CRASH. Unfortunately back issues are now  sold out, so unless you can find someone  willing to sell you the magazine (Try the classified section in YS) then you're     stuck."
   1 "  Sadly, Farflame came to a bad end       defending Morkin en route, killed by an   army of which he, singlehandedly, killed  about 400. I advise you to protect        Farflame as he is a superb fighter and    would have come in very handy in the      closing stages of the game."
   1 "  SAY FOLLOW to Marion and the gang then  head for Herne's holy tree which   (cont)"
   1 "  Rorthron continued west, recruiting     Marakith and Utarg. They took their armiessouth, recruiting all the southern        commanders who met at Xajorkith."
   1 "  Proceed now westish and north to square A7. Go north to make sure you are in the  right place - you should now be outside   Leaford Grange. If you are, then all is   well - go south and EXAM BUSH. This will  reveal a cave, but don't explore it yet."
   1 "  PRESS BUTTON and GO LIFT. Inside the    lift are three buttons - Red, Magenta and Blue. PRESS RED then OUT to the Dark      offices. OPEN DOOR then N. GET DEBUGGER,S,E. PRESS MAGENTA to get to the foot of thestairs."
   1 "  One look at the Citadel of Vorgrath     convinced them that attacking would not bewise and so they camped there, directly tothe west of the Citadel."
   1 "  On the first day, Morkin was sent north,recruiting the Lord of Shadows, in the    forest, on the way. I wanted to make the  game really difficult by taking Ushgarak  without first taking the Ice Crown  (cont)"
   1 "  OPEN GRATING, GO OUT, then GO DOOR and  GO BATTLEMENTS. You will now be confrontedby two doors - don't waste time exploring both; just GO RIGHT to find yourself in   Marion's bedroom."
   1 "  Now, as we all know, this is really a   diabolical plot to catch you, because the Sheriff knows you are the best bowman     around, but worry not! You can escape     (after you ENTER CONTEST and FIRE ARROW towin) if you GO LEFT to the Great Hall,    then UP a stone staircase. GO DOOR to the battlements, then, as before, GO RIGHT andnip out through Marion's bedroom window."
   1 "  Now you must make your way to the outlawcamp, and on the way, enlist Little John -we all read the story in school and       remember that Robin meets this huge chap  on a bridge, don't we? You will find him  in square E3 - GET STAFF and FIGHT JOHN   are the two inputs needed to get him on   your side."
   1 "  Now you have enough money to purchase a touchstone from the nuns in the abbey, so move to A5 then north. KNOCK DOOR then    GIVE COIN three times to GET TOUCHSTONE."
   1 "  Now go outside the bar by going W,W,S,S,W,W,W,W,IN,OUT. KILL KREMLINS. GO IN againand GET SCISSORS. OUT, and N,W,S, to the  Electrical Store. CUT STRING to gain      access to a microwave oven and PLACE RING in the oven to finish the game."
   1 "  Now go S then E,E,E,E, to the desolate  trees. N then E will take you to Puddle   Vale. From here go E,UP,UP,E,E. Now THROW ROPE and SWING ACROSS. Head S,W,GET       TREASURE,E,E,E,E, to the Plains of Dormor."
   1 "  North from here is the waterfall - GO   WATER and you will find yourself in the   hidden cave of Herne the Hunter, who has  conveniently left a bow and quiver for youto pick up. He has also left a sword, but this is just window dressing. GO WATER    again to leave the cave, then north again to the outlaw camp."
   1 "  Morkin stayed at the Citadel of Gloom   while Lothoril and Fawkrin journeyed to   the mountains of Ugrak, accompanied by    Shadows' army."
   1 "  Morkin and Shadows journeyed to the     Citadel of Gloom and arrived a few days   later having recruited Farflame the       Dragonlord at Dodrak, the Lord of Lothorilat his keep and Fawkrin the Skulkrin at   Moonhenge."
   1 "  Luxor went south to recruit Gard, and   then southeast for Rorath, Timrath and    ultimately Xajorkith. At the citadel,     Luxor and his army rested, ready for the  confrontation."
   1 "  LORDS OF MIDNIGHT was a landmark becauseit was the first strategy game to appeal  greatly to the mass market. The game is   still visible in the charts today, TWO    YEARS after its release. Only a handful ofgames have done this; THE HOBBIT and      VALHALLA are a couple of these games that spring to mind."
   1 "  In return, the Templars will give you a fifth touchstone and this is where the    programmers have been a bit sneaky, I     think! You think you need to find another touchstone, don't you?"
   1 "  In contrast, The military victory       requires a lot of thought, time and       tactics. To give you an idea of the       strategies needed, I will talk you througha game I played last week. I was going fora suicidal victory, Doomdark had to be    defeated, no matter the cost in men."
   1 "  If you now EXAM BODY, you will find one of the touchstones which are the object ofyour quest, and by doing the same again,  you can get your arrow back too! This is  also essential for the completion of the  game, so don't forget it!"
   1 "  His castle is east twice from D8, but itseems best to leave your gang on the sand flat by SAY WAIT, before going east to thecourtyard, then GO DOOR to enter."
   1 "  GO CAVE, then north and you will find   Siward the thief. GET SIWARD, then take   him to the courtyard of Nottingham Castle."
   1 "  GIVE BRICK to Goldbum, PULL ROPE then   GET ROPE. You will now be at the foot of  the cliff and at the start of a maze."
   1 "  From there they marched westward and    took the Keep of Death. Herath joined thema day later after a minor skirmish with a small army of Doomdark's."
   1 "  From here go E,UP guntower,FIRE GUN,D,W,D,E,E,N, and GET KEY."
   1 "  EXAM CHEST three times to find the      coins, touchstone and a crest, then GO    DOOR, GO RIGHT and GO WINDOW to get back  to the forest."
   1 "  Do be careful, though, that before you  escape, you get the silver arrow    (cont)"
   1 "  DROP SIWARD, upon which he will         obligingly open the chest, and now you    must kill him. This seems very ungrateful,but if you don't, he will steal the       contents of the chest and you've had it!"
   1 "  DROP COIN twice, SAY WAIT (Marion is no longer needed!) Then move S,E,E, to the   cave location."
   1 "  By the end of the month, all my northernarmies, that is Whispers, Ithron, and     Dreams as well as Corleth, were occupying the Citadel of Grarg after a successful   attack."
   1 "  By now, Doomdark was advancing on       Xajorkith. However, all his armies were nomatch for the thousands of men I had      camped at Xajorkith. For a month the Witchking's troops attacked the Citadel        unsuccessfully, the defending armies, led by Luxor, losing no men in the battles."
   1 "  At this time, I decided to mount my     first attack on Doomdark's base, using thefour thousand men I had camped at the Keepof Death. The idea was that I should      deplete the enemy's resources       (cont)"
   1 "  At first, I was at a loss as to what to do with Corleth. Generally he followed    Rorthron, picking up any armies that the  wise one was unable to recruit. Kumar,    Whispers, Ithrorn and Dreams were         collected, but Rorthron arrived at  (cont)"
   1 "  After refreshing themselves at the lakesand liths on the Plains of Kor, my main   force reached the Citadel of Ushgarak and attacked..."
   1 "  After getting DOWN from the statue, you can now go in search of more money, but   you will have to SAY FOLLOW to Marion,    otherwise the silly girl stays in the     courtyard, likewise with the gang waiting patiently on the sand flat."
   1 "  A map, therefore, is essential - start  off with an eight by eight grid and numberthe squares like a chess board, with A to H from top to bottom of the left hand     side, and 1 to 8 from left to right acrossthe top."
   1 !x`6\#6Y##6
   1  1986 s.a.e.c.
   1   S.A.E.C."
   1   An Everyday Story Of A Seeker Of Gold*A
   1         @